
Waterless Dry Shampoo & Conditioner

This is a sponsored blog post written by me on behalf of Waterl<ss. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.

There are a few items I can’t go without packing when we leave on a trip or stay-cation and one of them is Dry Shampoo & Conditioner. This past week we left to go to Santa Monica for a long weekend of fun but also work. On these trips we usually run around shooting from location to location and sometimes have a 6-7 am wake up call to avoid crowds. Who has time to wash their hair at 6 am?

One of my biggest hair struggles is that my hair gets greasy and dull after 1 day. You know those girls that go 3-4 days without washing their hair? That is not me. At most I can skip 1 day but you bet on day 2 my hair will be flat and feel oily. In the past overwashing my hair has left my ends drier. This is how I discovered Waterl<ss’ Dry Shampoo & Conditioner and since has solved one of my biggest hair issues.

I originally turned to dry shampoo and conditioner for beauty reasons and to save time. But there is a bigger reason to opt in for it and that’s – water conservation. In 2018, the city of Cape Town in South Africa went through a huge water crisis to the point where they were 3 months away from completely running out of water. Waterl<ss provided the people of Cape Town an alternative that would stretch out the days in between wash days while also making life a little easier on them.

Water is a precious and a limited resource, especially in drought-prone California. Waterl<ss Dry Shampoo & Conditioner helps me contribute to less water waste while keeping my hair feeling fresh and revived without a single drop of water used.

How I use the Waterless Dry Shampoo and Conditioner?

On non wash days (again usually day 2 for me) I use the Waterl<ss Dry Shampoo and spray directly on my roots . Unlike the dry shampoos I have used in the past, it leaves no residue. Non of that white chalky looking stuff. I run my fingers through and brush it out. I love how I don’t have to spray so much of it because it does the trick right away. For my ends I use the Waterl<ess dry conditioner. This the final step that really impressed me the most because it really softened up my ends. Once I finish these step I use the Waterl<ss fragrance mist so that it not only looks fresh but smells fresh.

On day 2 of our trip we had plans to go to the Santa Monica Pier to get pictures and grab early breakfast. The Pier gets really crowded specially on a holiday weekend so we planned to be up by 7 am and give myself 1 hour to get ready. There was no time for me to wash and dry and style my hair. My new Waterless Dry Shampoo and Conditioner was a time saver.

We were out and ready to enjoy the day by 8 am and felt fully confident on how I looked and that my hair felt like it has been washed. I ended up bringing the products with me to retouch through out the day.

Be sure to grab yours at Sally Beauty – here!