
How I Keep My Skin Smooth and Soft throughout the year with Dove Bodywash

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Dove, All opinions are 100% mine.

It feels like this year summer flew by. In the blink of an eye fall is upon us and its time for colder and drier months. Living in California I have always had to give my skin extra love because without proper care my skin gets cracked and dull. No thank you!

I’m so excited to partner with Dove to share with you how I keep my skin looking smooth and healthy through the coming winter months. Ive been using Dove Bodywash for many years because its not only the #1 dermatologist recommended body wash brand but I love that its certified PETA cruelty free.

I recently started using Dove’s Moisture Renew Blend Formula which helps renew my skin natural moisture barrier. It mimics ingredients that are naturally found in my skin. I didn’t know you lose lipids (naturally found in your skin) when you cleanse. Luckily Dove’s Moisture Renew Blend helps replenish then. My skin is left feeling so soft and nourished after just one use!

My favorite is the Relaxing Body Wash with Lavender and Chamomile. It smells AMAZING and the scent immediately helps me unwind after a long hectic days.

A few times a week I love to grab a book and take a long relaxing bath. It feels good knowing that my skin wont be stripped because Doves Bodywash is gentle to my skin microbione. My Me-Time is so important to me and in these moments I’m nourishing both my mind and my skin.

Thank you for reading and I hope you can find the time for some Me-time as well. Let me know in the comments if you have tried Dove Body Wash!