
Getting back on track (P.1)

This past few months have been so busy and it has brought so many opportunities but it has also affected such a big part of my life, my wellness. A poor diet, constant stress and lack of sleep and exercise started taking a toll on my body. We think we are invisible and we go and go but one day our body nudges us and remind us that it cannot go on (that was last weekend for me). My lack of self-care has snowballed into more visible signs and symptoms; skin breakouts, digestive problems, insomnia, anxiety and weight gain. Exactly a week ago i decided it was time to get back to feeling like myself again and this is usually some of the things I focus on:

Drink more Water: 

This seems like an obvious one but its a really hard one for me. Truth is I struggle with this A LOT. You should be drinking eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is not an exact number of course as it depends more on your weight and height but its a good way to get an idea of how much you should be drinking.


If a poor diet is part of the problem (like in my case) then supplements will definitely help with getting some of the nutrients your body is lacking. I will be doing an entire blog post on this but some of my go to’s are: A Multi-vitamin, Omegas 3 Fish Oil, B12, Evening Primrose, Maca, Probiotic, Antioxidants and Calcium.

Get outside:

I don’t mean go outside and run errands or go to work. I mean leave your phone at home and go for a run. Take your dog for a walk. If you work in an office and if possible, take your work outside. Visit a coffee shop. One of my go to’s when I need to recharge is going to the beach. I am very blessed to live a short 20 minute drive to the beach. There is something so replenishing in seeing the sunset and walking barefoot on the sand (earthing). I feel it reconnects me back to earth and somehow fills me with energy. 

“Earthing, otherwise known as grounding, is the process of reconnecting to the Earth’s subtle, natural, electrical energy. This is easily done whenever you walk barefoot in the grasssand, dirt, or on concrete.”

Take a Break:

How in the world do you take a break when you are so busy? This is easier said than done. In my case it has taken a lot of evaluating what brings value to myself and my business. The past few weeks I said yes to almost everything and ended up taking on more than I could handle. I was feeling drained and stressed. As you may know I have a full time job. I found myself working 8 hour shifts on weekdays and then rushing to attend events. My weekends were being filled with more events and shoots. I didn’t cancel all events but I began to analyze how each would contribute in a positive way. I started considering point such as: Were they networking worthy, the distance, a potential brand relationship, my time invested and exposure. Sometimes its absolutely okay to say no.

Taking a break can also be from other things that are not bringing you peace of mind. You can take a break from social media, a break from a project, etc. Sometimes a breather is all you need to keep going.

Learn something new:

Just like what you eat affects your well being. What you feed your brain is important. I few years ago I used to read at least 1 book a month. I rarely have time to read a magazine these days. Luckily my boyfriend introduced me to Audible. He is currently listening to “Crushing it” by Gary V. I recently started “Influencer” By Brittany Hennessy. A big life hack; Listen to audibles when commuting to work or stuck in traffic. It will make your drive less stressful and time will go by faster. Podcasts are another source of information and the best part is that they are free . I haven’t gotten into podcast but I have had friends recommend some great ones. I will be compiling a list of podcast in a blog post soon.

There are no quick fixes to getting your health back on track. Your wellness will take daily work but practicing some of the above has helped me feel better physically, mentally and spiritually. I will be diving more into fitness next so stay tuned.